A world where childhood is recognized with dignity and its authentic potential for innovation. The Tree of Life inspires its vision of man and his possible future to the principles and approaches of “Pedagogy for the Third Millennium” of Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for Development and Communication.
The educational process that “Pedagogy for the Third Millennium” promotes, with a look at the social marginality contexts in which The Tree of Life operates, aims to encourage development, growth and evolution in young people: development as a restoration of individual potential. Growth as an achievement of larger and more complex spaces. Evolution as the maturation of those core capacities that can allow the individual to make a contribution to his community of reference and to human development as a whole.
“Every man carries with himself the task of educating. The many encounters he will do in life will offer him the opportunity to express this burden/honor. If he understands and cultivates this commitment, he can direct himself to constantly express his best abilities, manifesting the ambition of be willing to share at all times a vision of ability, possibilities, opportunities and experiencing the exchange between men as a search for excellence, a model towards which to tend where the excellent becomes the norm “.
(P. Paoletti, “Grow up in excellence”)